

HAO Ning
Professor of Physics
associate director of material division


Dr. Ning Hao, Professor of Physics, associate director of material division of High Magnetic Field Laboratory (CHMFL), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Hao obtained his PhD from Institute of Physics, CAS in 2011. He worked at Purdue University and University of Hong Kong from 2011~2016, and then joined the HMFL in 2016. Dr. Hao has published more than 40 peer review papers mainly including Phys. Rev. Lett/X/A/B, Nat. Commun and Natl. Sci. Rev etc.  Dr. Hao has undertaken the funds from National Key R&D Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the “Strategic Priority Research Program (B)”of CAS etc.


Research Interest

Dr. Hao’s research interests mainly focus on the emergent physics of quantum materials with the methods of condensed matter theories and the first-principles calculations. The main material categories involve the high-temperature superconductors, topological matters, magnetic compounds and low-dimensional materials. 


Selected Recent Publications

1.R. Song, P. Zhang* and N. Hao*,“Phase-manipulation-induced Majorana Mode and Braiding Realization in Iron-based  Superconductor Fe(Te,Se)”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128,  016402 (2022).

2. R. Song, N. Hao* and P. Zhang*,“Giant inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect: Application to monolayer OsBi2”, Phys. Rev. B. 104,   115433 (2021).

3. X. Hou, F. Zhang, X. Tu, Y. Gu, M. Zhang, J. Gong, Y. Tu, B. Wang, W. Lv, H. Weng, Z. Ren, G. Chen, X. Zhu*, N.Hao*, and L. Shan*,“Inelastic Electron Tunneling in 2H-TaxNb1-xSe2 Evidenced by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,  106403 (2020).

4. F.C. Chen#, Y. Fei#, S.J. Li#, Q. Wang, X. Luo*, J. Yan, W.J. Lu, P. Tong, W.H. Song, X.B. Zhu, L. Zhang, H.B. Zhou, F.W. Zheng, P. Zhang, A.L. Lichtenstein, M.I. Katsnelson, Y. Yin*, N. Hao*, and Y.P. Sun*,“Temperature-Induced Lifshitz Transition  and Possible Excitonic Instability in ZrSiSe”,Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 236601 (2020).

5. W. Yang, C. Mo, S. Fu, Y. Yang, F. Zheng, X. Wang, Y. Liu, N. Hao*, and P. Zhang*,“Soft-Mode-Phonon-Mediated Unconventional Superconductivity in Monolayer 1T’-WTe2”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 237006 (2020).

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