May 07,2019|By
"2019 CHMFL workshop on magneto-optics" was held in High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHMFL) on April 2nd. Seventeen scientists worldwide gave their presentations in the workshop.
During the workshop, participants shared their recent research progresses and exchanged ideas on the frontier problems of the ultrafast magneto-optics, terahertz technology and strong-correlatedmagnetic materials.
This workshop attracted more than 70 participants from various institutes, including the Radboud University Nijmegen of Netherlands, Ioffe Institute of Russia, Russian Technological University, as well as some domestic institutes, such as Institute of Physics of CAS, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of CAS, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University, Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, Microsystem & Terahertz Research Center, Beihang University, High Magnetic Field Laboratory of CAS, Institute of Solid State Physics of CAS etc.
After the presentations, the participants had a site tour of the High Magnetic Field Facility at CHMFL. They were very impressed by the self-designed, world-record-setting resistive magnets and various advanced measurement systems.
The workshop was sponsored by the CHMFL, “CAS President’s International Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists”, and “CAS Special Exchange Program”.
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