The third International Advisory Committee(IAC) meeting of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academic Sciences (CHMFL), was held at Hefei from Nov. 1st to 2nd. The committee consists of 10 world-renowned scientists from United States, France, Germany, Korea and Holland, including the former director of Holland national high magnetic field laboratory, the former deputy director of the national high magnetic field laboratory of United States, two members of US Academy of science, and a French academician.
During the two-days site visit, the IAC members listened to a overview talk presented by Prof. Guangli Kuang, the director of CHMFL, and 10 scientific reports by CHMFL scientists covering magnet technology development, material science, physics, biology and medicines. The IAC members highly confirmed the great progresses made by CHMFL in the past three years. Some works were regarded to be in the forefront of the world. The experts believed that the steady high magnetic field facilities at Hefei has reached the first-class level among the magnetic field laboratories in the world. A few IAC members expressed their interests in collaboration with CHMFL in the near future.
IAC members emphasized that the CHMFL should continue its ongoing efforts in developing an integrated platform for extreme experimental conditions. Based on these unique facilities, the in-house research programs may need to further promote the inter-disciplinary collaborations, in which CHMFL has made many progresses in both physics and biology studies in past three years. The CHMFL highly appreciated these advices and comments, and will keep them into consideration while drafting the new CHMFL 5-year development roadmap.
IAC members in the High Magnetic Field Laboratory |