Invited by the High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHMFL), Prof. Gregory S Boebinger, director of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) and Prof. Mark D Bird, the NHMFL associate director from USA, visited Hefei from Oct. 11 to 13.
During their visit, they exchanged academic ideas and engineering & technical experiences in the high magnetic field with scientists, technicians and staff members in CHMFL. Prof. Boebinger also shared NHMFL’s advanced administration, user management system as well as their latest achievements etc. with chinese colleagues.
Prof. KUANG Guangli, the director of CHMFL, introduced the progress of the construction of magnets and scientific research activates of CHMFL started in resent years. Both guests were deeply impressed by the laboratory tour and happy to see the achievements of the resistive magnets developed in CHMFL as well as the underway hybrid magnet construction site.
As the world distinguished scholars, Prof. Boebinger and Prof. Bird presented talks entitled “Materials, Energy and Life: Entertaining Aspects of High Magnetic Field Research” and “Development of High Field DC Magnets at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory” respectively. A great numbers of scientists, engineering technicians and graduated students in CHMFL attended the seminars.

Seminar presented by Prof. Mark Bird |

Discussion with Prof. Boebinger |

Discussion |

Laboratory Tour |