600MHz Solid State NMR Spectrometer Installation completed

Sep 05,2012|By F.P. ZHANG

July 20, 2012, the installation of Bruker AV III 600MHz solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer has been completed in CHMFL. It passed the review of experts from administration department of CAS and has been put into normal operation. As a new member of the NMR facility arsenal, It will provide service either to in-house researchers or other scientists and technicians outside the Lab.

The new completed 600MHz Solid State NMR spectrometer  could not only meet the need of Hefei Institutes of Physical Science as well as University of Science of China(USTC) in the research areas of Condensed matter physics, material sciences, structural biology of membrane proteins, solid-state NMR quantum computing but also provide support to the users home and abroad in the research fields of Nano-materials, polymer materials, organic conductors, superconductivity and giant magnetoresistance in condensed matter physics research, heterogeneous catalytic reaction mechanism in organic chemistry research, membrane protein structure and dynamics research in biology phospholipid environment.

 New installed 600MHz Solid State NMR Spectrometer in CHMFL

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