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Experiment Systems



Physical Property Measurement System(PPMS)

The Quantum Design PPMS represents a unique concept in laboratory equipment: an open architecture, variable temperature-field system, designed to perform a variety of automated measurements. It is an open architecture variable temperature-field system that is optimized to perform a variety of automated measurements, including the electro-transport, thermal transport, magnetometry and heat capacity properties. Use the PPMS with specially-designed measurement options, or easily adapt it to your own experiments. Sample environment controls include fields up to 16 tesla, temperature range of 50mk-400K and pressure up to 3 GPa. Its advanced expandable design combines many features in one instrument to make the PPMS the most versatile system of its kind.

Manufacturer: Quantum Design



Measurement Applications

Performing DC resistivity, AC Resistivity, Hall Effect, I-V Curve Tracing, and Critical Current, Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity, Thermoelectric measurements under different temperature and magnetic field.



Resistivity, VSM, ACT, TTO, Heat capacity, High Pressure Cell, Dilution Refrigerator


Main technical specifications:

Temperature: 50 mK-400K;

Magnetic field: 0~16 T;

Resistance: 4 ~4M ;

Heat Capacity: <100mJ/K;

Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/K-100mW/K;

Seebeck Coefficient: 1 V/K-1V/K.


The main features:

Continuous operation from 4 K down to 50 mK; Resistivity measurements with pressure up to 3 Gpa;





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