Prof. Dan Dessau from Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder visited High Magnetic Field Laboratory of CAS (CHMFL) on June 3rd. During his visit, Prof. Dan Dessau gave a presentation entitled “High resolution ARPES and time-resolved ARPES for the study of novel electronic materia...
Dr. Andrey Mishchenko, a senior research scientist of RIKEN, visited the High Magnetic Field Laboratory of CAS (CHMFL) on May 25-26, 2015. Dr. Andrey Mishchenko gave a presentation entitled “Polarons: from theoretical concept to technology of electronic devices”.
The mini-workshop on Skyrmions was held in Hefei on May 17-19. Fourteen scientists from worldwide gave presentations during the workshop.
Dr. Honghai Song, from the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) of Michigan State University, visited the CHMFL and gave a lecture on “2G HTS Magnet Technology” on April 29.